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Kibale Forest National Park chimpanzee trekking is the top chimpanzee trekking safari in Uganda. National Kibale is the perfect place to experience the true diversity of wildlife and flora found in a tropical rainforest. The park contains the largest population of forest elephants found in Uganda but they are rarely sighted. Rich in wildlife and particularly noted for is primate population, of 11 different species, including the red-tailed money, blue monkey, olive baboon, chimpanzee, black, white and red colobus and white cheeked mangabey. Other mammals found are bushbuck, red and blue duiker, Uganda kob, Scaly-tailed flying squirrel, tree pangloin, buffalo, waterbuck and hippo as well as a large number of birds.

Kibale Forest National Park

Kibale Forest National Park chimpanzee trekking is a lifetime experience. The park is one of the best safari destinations in Africa for chimpanzee trekking safaris and has the highest number and diversity of primates in East Africa. There are 13 species of primates including chimpanzees living within its 795km2 land cover with the most beautiful and most diversified tracts of tropical forest in the whole of Uganda. The Forest covering predominates in the central and northern part of the park on the raised Fort Portal plateau. At the park’s northern tip, Kibale is highest and stands 1590m above sea level.

Kibale Forest National Park chimpanzee trekking is the top tourist activity but the park has got other wild animals. Kibale has a good number of wildlife species. With 13 different species, the number and diversity of primates in Kibale National Park is the highest in the whole of Africa. The most popular of these are the chimpanzees with over 1450 individuals living here making it the best destination to enjoy a Chimpanzee Tracking Tour. A Uganda safari will enable you to see all these primates. In addition Kibale is home to the uncommon L’Hoest’s monkeys, East Africa’s biggest population of the endangered red colobus monkeys, the black & white colobus, red tailed monkeys, blue monkeys, olive baboons, grey cheeked mangabeys, bush babies as well as potto among many others. There is a number of other wildlife in Kibale National Park however they are hardly seen. These consist of buffaloes, leopards, bush pigs, elephants, and duikers. A keen viewer may also be able to spot some amphibians, reptiles and a variety of colorful butterflies.

Other tourist activities in Kibale Forest National Park include hikes and walking trail, birding, cultural tours and crater lakes tours. The Kibale Forest walk trail is 12km long and the hike is usually done in the dry season from the month of June to September are mid-November to February, taking between 5 and 6 hours. Hiking Tours offer you an opportunity to discover the park’s assorted habitats such as river line forest, swamp, grassland and tropical rainforest. Birdwatchers will enjoy birding in Kibale National Park as the park is a home to 325 different bird species, including 6 that are native to the Albertine Rift area like the dusky crimson wing, black-capped apalis, blue-headed sunbird, collared apalis, red-faced woodland warbler and purple-breasted sunbird. Other Kibale specials are the green breasted pitta, African pitta, black bee-eater, Abyssinian ground thrush, yellow spotted nicator, little greenbul, black-eared ground thrush, brown chested alethe, yellow rumped tinker bird, blue-breasted kingfisher, along with the crowned eagle. During the Kibale Cultural Tours you will visit a traditional village to see the traditional lifestyle of the Batoro, visit the local church, primary school, traditional healer and get a closer encounter with these natives. You will also enjoy some energetic traditional dances and songs by the Bakiga.

Chimpanzee Habituation, this is the process of making wild primates get used to having human beings around and preparing them to be tracked later on. It can be done for both Chimps and Gorillas and it takes close to 3 years to be completed. There are over 4950 Chimpanzees ever recorded to live in Uganda and about 1500 0f these live in the Kibale National Park alone. This park found in the district of Kabarole is the only place in Uganda where Chimpanzee Habituation takes place nonetheless; one needs a permit to be accepted to go see these primates. Only a maximum of 4 people per group inclusive of the researchers and guides are permitted to go see these Chimps. You are then taken to see the place where the primates built their nests the previous night. If you are lucky and awoke early, you are sure to find them just getting up. Thus a typical Chimpanzee habituation begins in the hours at dawn between 6-6:30 am. Other activities you will see them taking part in are copulating, breastfeeding for the little ones, feeding, patrolling, hunting, resting and later on at around 7 pm, building new nests where they are to stay during the night.
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How to get there; Kibale National Park is situated in the western part of Uganda about 348km (5 hours’ drive) from Kampala and about 26km south-east of the beautiful Fort Portal town, one of Uganda’s most lovely places to explore. The park is located close to the serene Ndali Kasenda crater area and it takes a half day’s drive to Queen Elizabeth National Park, Rwenzori Mountains & Semuliki National Parks and the Toro-Semliki Wildlife Reserve. Southern Kibale borders Queen Elizabeth National Park and collectively these conserved areas protect a 180 km long migration corridor for wildlife that stretches from the remote southern sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park in “Ishasha”, to “Sebitoli” in northern Kibale. The sebitoli forest camp is accessible and it’s second in the tourism sector.It’s a direct route from Kampala with about 16km prior to Fort Port.

Where to stay; Loyal Tours & Safaris know that good accommodation is part of what makes a safari enjoyable and memorable. So for a visit to Kibale National Park you need to stay at a place that is both comfortable and well within your budget and we ensure you to find juicy deals with better rates on any kind of hotel that your heart desires. The following are accommodation facilities; Primate Lodge Kibale, Nyinabulitwa Country Resort, Chimps’ Nest, Kanyanchu River Camp and Kibale Forest Camp amongst others.

When to visit; the park can be visited throughout the year but the best time to Visit the park is during the dry season when the trails are dry and passable. This runs from December to February and then from June to September. The wettest area in Kibale is the northern area, receiving an average annual rainfall of approximately 1700mm, mainly during March to May and September to November. The climate is usually pleasant with an average annual temperature range of 14C to 27C. The southern part of the park experiences the maximum temperatures and lower amounts of rains where the terrain drops onto the hot rift valley floor and forest provides way to open grassland.

Booking, if you want to receive a more personalized experience and get something different to ordinary guided tours and safaris during your Kiblae National Park trip, please contact us.

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